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Showing posts with the label VIDEOS

Pertarungan Biola vs Gitar (Yufi VS Andre)

Di sini bercerita tentang duet antara 2 orang siswa yang satu bernama Yufi Mahendra Wardana dan Andreas Waluyojati. Andreas adalah seorang Musisi yang mungkin dikatakan serba bisa memegang alat musik. . .hohohooho. . .kemampuan feelnya dapet pokoknya, , ,wakakakak . .. Nah di dalam video ini saya yang berperan sebagai seorang gitaris berduet dengan pemain biola andreas waluyojati. .. pokoknya dijamin keren deh. . .. karena selama ini ane belum pernah melihat secara langsung orang bermain biola. . .wkwkwkk. . . ini dia videonya dijamin NGoWOh Dech. !!!! Gimana video saya jamin deh seruuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review movie FLIPPED

last yesterday we saw "flipped" movie. . .so i will give you about review the flipped movie. . . The genre film is drama comedy. Film is suitable viewing by young people. “Flipped” is released in 2010 with the Rob Reiner as film   director and the act are Madeline Carol as Juli Barker and Callan McAuliffe as Bryce Loski. In this film you can see 2 sides of the main character and it is very interesting for audience. So we can know what happen to Bryce and what he thinks. Bryce is Juli’s new neighbor. Juli is agresif girl, when she was a child and she and she is always stalking Bryce everywhere. Bryce feel annoyed and he assume that Juli is disturber of his life. Bryce and Juli are in one school and they are classroommate. Although Bryce hates Juli, Juli always loves Bryce. Some day Juli’s chicken spawn and that eggs are more for Juli’s family. So Juli gives her eggs to Bryce. But Bryce think Juli’s eggs not hygine. So he trows away juli’s eggs to tra